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Website Questionnaire

    Your Name

    Company Name

    Your Email

    Phone Number

    Tell us about your company:

    What product or service does your company provide?

    What sets your company apart from your competition?

    Who is your target client/avatar?

    Do you currently have a website?

    What keywords will your audience use to find your website?

    What do you like about your current website (enter N/A if necessary)

    Why do you want a new website?

    What features will your new website need?

    What websites do you like and why? List 3 inside your industry:

    What websites do you like and why? List 3 outside your industry:

    What is one thing that your new website must do so you feel it is a success?

    Who will provide content for the new website?

    Does your company have established branding?

    Do you need a new URL?

    Do you need hosting?

    Will the old site be moved to a new location?

    What is your projected deadline for this new website?

    What is your budget for this new website?

    No more questions your honor... ๐Ÿ˜‚


    There is no greatness without a passion for being great, whether itโ€™s the aspiration of an athlete or an artist, a scientist, a parent, or a businessperson.